Program Information
Day Nursery Centre operates four Winnipeg inner city child care centres. The Gretta Brown, Kennedy, Crossways and Kid Gloves units provide quality childcare to 188 children and support for their families.
Our child care programs are concerned with providing the children with quality care and appropriate experiences, so that each child may grow to his/her fullest potential as an individual. Our goal for children at Day Nursery Centre is to make all children feel good about themselves and the world around them; secure in their growing awareness of the larger world. We want children to become mentally healthy, physically able, truly creative, and socially sensitive.
Each of our programs provides, a caring nurturing environment, developmentally appropriate activities, a wholesome lunch and snack program, integration of children with additional support needs, and a monthly newsletter. We encourage parents to think of Day Nursery Centre as a partner in child care, working together to provide the best care possible for their child.